D211 BOE Votes to Adopt Radical Sex Ed
November 10, 2022
On November 10, 2022, over the objections of a packed room and hundreds of D211 residents our D211 school board voted 5-2 to adopt the radical National Sex Education Standards (NSES). To see how individual board members voted, click HERE.
Content from the NSES:
Explain masturbation (3rd grade) (#PD.5.CC.3)
Define oral and anal sex* (6th grade) (#SH.8.CC.1)
Gender ideology taught as fact (Kindergarten) (#GI.5.CC.3)
Discuss hormone blockers (3rd grade) (#PD.5.CC.4)
Demonstrate...dental dams (#SH.10.SM.1)
Identify local abortion providers (#SH.10.AI.2)
Obtain contraception (including the 'morning after pill') without a prescription (in other words without parental consent...) (#SH.8.CC.3)
Describes effective ways to communicate...pleasure (#CHR.10.IC.1)
Train students to advocate against “homophobia,” “transphobia” and “heterosexism” (Multiple items)
*ANAL SEX: sexual behavior involving penetration of the anus by a penis or SEX TOY. (As defined in the NSES glossary)
Illinois is the only state in the union to adopt the NSES so far. Despite the misleading name, the National Sex Education Standards were not written by government officials and are not federal law. They were instead created by three sexual rights advocacy groups; Advocates for Youth, Answer and SIECUS: Sex Ed For Social Change. The activists who populate these organizations believe that children are sexual from birth and have a right to sex. These perverse claims are based on Alfred Kinsey's fraudulent and sickening 'research" and represent just two principles of the twisted philosophy behind the NSES. This is in contrast to the mainstream historic belief that children are pre-sexual and innocent: and that innocence is something that should be protected by our schools--not destroyed.
The NSES are based on the comprehensive sex ed (CSE) instruction method. CSE is not standard sex ed. Standard sex ed focuses on the human reproductive system, changes during puberty, abstinence instruction, contraception and even disease prevention. CSE goes far beyond this--as you can see from the list of content above. For a comparison between CSE and standard sex ed click HERE.
The primary purpose of teaching CSE in school is to change the sexual and gender norms of society...This intention is seen clearly in the name of one of the primary architects of the NSES; SIECUS: Sex Ed For Social Change. For more information on the agenda driving CSE, click HERE.
Changing the sexual and gender norms of society requires deliberately undermining the rights of parents to teach their own sexual and religious values to their children. Parents who dare to protest are accused of trying to push their morality on everyone. It seems to escape almost everyone's notice that these parents are simply trying to hold their ground. It's the sexual activists who are forcing their own warped morality on everyone else. Many parents are afraid that if they do speak out, their child will be punished. They need the community to support them and speak out alongside them.
In making the decision to adopt the standards of the NSES, our D211 school board joined a very tiny minority of IL school districts who have adopted the standards (only 3% as of this writing). Neighboring school boards in Arlington Heights, Barrington and Lake Zurich wisely chose to reject the NSES along with the majority of IL school districts--including our grade school feeder districts 15 and 54.
Hundreds of D211 parents and district residents emailed board members in the weeks proceeding the meeting urging them to reject the NSES. A large crowd showed up the night of November 10th and presented articulate, well reasoned arguments against the NSES. Nevertheless the board voted 5-2 to adopt. This was an egregious slap in the face to the community.
View the meeting video HERE.
See how each board member voted HERE.
This year there are 4 open seats on the 7 member board making achieving a majority possible. Remember this when it comes time to vote for school board April 4, 2023.
The new curriculum takes effect spring semester 2023. If you have a freshman, sophomore, or incoming freshman, you can OPT your own child out by emailing your school principal. Here are the emails for each principal:
Conant – Julie Nowak – jnowak@d211.org
Fremd – Mark Langer – mlanger@d211.org
Hoffman Estates – Michael Alther – malther@d211.org
Palatine – Tony Medina – tmedina@d211.org
Schaumburg – Brian Harlan – bharlan@d211.org
Copy the Board of Ed and Supt. Small on your email:
lsmall@d211.org, aklimkowicz@d211.org, kcavill@d211.org, mcramer@d211.org, pdombrowski@d211.org, cbradley@d211.org, tmcgowan@d211.org, srosenblum@d211.org
What's Wrong With Our School Board?
The short answer to that question is that the majority of our school board members do not really represent us. They are supposed to, but they do not. There are some reasons for this that may surprise you. Here is the first. You may not realize it, but the teacher's union and other school employee unions were directly involved in getting three of our board members; McGowan, Bradley and Klimowizc elected.
Here's how it works: The unions chose them to run. Then, they coordinated and financed their campaigns using union money and union workers. Union members (school employees) turned out in droves to vote for them on election day. And because most residents do not vote in these off-season (April) elections, they won.
In the end, our district ended up with union members on one side of the negotiating table and three school board members (whom they helped to elect) on the other. This has been going on for decades; leaving the community with no voice and no real representation. If this strikes you as a colossal conflict of interest, it is! It's an outrageous situation. We do not involve ourselves in electing representatives for the unions and they should not be involved in electing representatives for us. It used to be illegal for government employees to unionize for just this reason.
You may also be surprised to find out that incumbent board member Kim Cavill is a sex educator who hosts podcasts for kids as young as middle school with titles like “All About Anal”(no longer available), "Creating Queer Inclusive Spaces for Kids" and "Can Boys Wear Dresses?" See her podcasts HERE. There is too much to say about her here, but you can read MORE.
So, there you have it; three union lackeys and one radical sex educator. On a seven member board, that's a majority.
Electing a school board that is responsive to the community would be a total game-changer. Mark your calendars! Mail-in voting begins January 19th for the next school board election in April. See our voter guide for MORE INFORMATION.