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Help Us Spread the Word

Our critics claim that we are a "small but vocal minority" trying to force our values on a our community.  We believe the opposite is true...


Our previous door hanger campaign demonstrated that when the community finds out about the sexualization of kids taking place in our schools they stand up and speak out.  That is why it is imperative that they DO see.  Door hangers with QR codes are a simple and effective way to get the truth to them directly--with no spin.


Volunteers are needed over the next several weeks to distribute as many door hangers as possible.  It's simple and takes less time than you would think to deliver a couple hundred hangers.  With two hundred volunteers, we would be able cover the WHOLE DISTRICT in no time.  This could make a huge difference in the upcoming election!  If you are willing to help, please email us at


Also, if you would be willing to donate a few dollars to help us purchase door hangers and digital advertising it would be much appreciated.  Simply send a check written out to New Hope Community Church.  Mail it to 1023 E. Palatine Rd., Palatine, IL 60074.  Write "door hangers" in the memo line.  

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